Looking Forward to NCSEA Policy Forum 2021
Every February, members of the National Child Support Enforcement Association (NCSEA) have gathered in Washington, DC for the annual NCSEA Policy Forum. However, the 2021 forum breaks that tradition – this year, members will gather virtually from homes and offices. Though the setting has changed, participants can look forward to insightful sessions with chat conversations and question-and-answer opportunities. Networking also continues, though arranged in new ways.
The annual Policy Forum historically sets the tone for the year in policy development, public service, and professional growth. Leaders are working hard to ensure that this tradition continues!
One of the significant adjustments made for this conference is the number of days and the timing. The forum’s schedule contains five days of sessions rather than the former two and a half days to allow for later, workable hours for all time zones. Sessions are set for February 23-25 and March 2-3. NCSEA’S website contains details on session times and registration.
“Working Toward Equity Through Policy” is the 2021 conference theme with most sessions focusing on this theme. Session titles offer a glimpse into what to expect. The titles include mention of implicit bias, equitable policy development, identification of barriers and inequities, human-centered technology design, and other equity-focused topics.
Conduent is sponsoring a more traditional session entitled “Hearing from the Hill.” This annual session brings in policy writers and committee staff from the Senate and House of Representatives with the latest news from Congress. In transition years, participants are eager to hear what is developing.
As an NCSEA Platinum Corporate Sponsor, Conduent sends our team of our child support subject matter experts to participate. We look forward to the opportunities to learn, network, and communicate with child support program leaders from around the nation and from the international members.
Conduent consistently supports the Policy Forum and other NCSEA efforts. Our team values the opportunities to learn about what is going on in states and counties now so that we can impact the future of child support with new and better technology and the latest in business services. All the while, we keep in mind that many families are touched by this program. We strive to give them our best efforts by staying informed and relevant to current needs.
Some traditions will be broken in 2021 with a new format and virtual locations, but NCSEA’s tradition of offering support to child support practitioners will continue! And another tradition holds firm -- Conduent will continue to offer our very best in reliable service and thoughtful innovation to support programs dedicated to serving children and families.