Launching Our WIC Analytics Solution
The goal of the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program is simple: to provide nutritious food and nutrition education to women, infants and children who need it most. But as any WIC program administrator will tell you, executing on this goal can be complicated. Keeping track of program performance, capturing and analyzing recipient behavior, and mitigating fraud are all made more complex by the program’s extensive requirements.
To simplify these challenges, Conduent now offers a WIC Analytics Solution that gives administrators self-service capability for analyzing key program metrics. We recently implemented this solution for a client state and are looking forward to making it more broadly available.
Built on the Conduent Analytics Platform and offering Data Warehouse and robust reporting capability, our WIC Analytics Solution provides user-friendly analytics to drive decisions and business processes based on data and analytical insights. Standardized and ad hoc reporting enables users to:
- Understand how and where recipients are using their WIC benefits
- Easily identify potential suspicious activities indicative of potential fraudulent redemption patterns
- View product reporting (e.g. top five, bottom five, sale of product over defined quantity)
- Deploy out-of-the-box analytics capabilities like word clouds, geo-spatial reporting and pareto-type charts
In addition to improving decision-making and helping to mitigate fraud, this solution provides a single, unified source of truth—an important function for a complicated program like WIC. Our Conduent Analytics Platform also takes advantage of the secure Microsoft Azure Cloud and easy-to-use Business Intelligence tools like Microsoft PowerBi. Best of all, because improved behind-the-scenes administrative solutions like our WIC Analytics Solution enable better decision-making based on usage patterns, the ultimate benefits go to those who need them most—the women, infants and children who rely on the food and nutrition advice provided by their state WIC program.