Galvanizing Constituent-Centered, Strategic Public Sector EBT Services
Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) is a card-based payment processing system that enables recipients of government assistance programs to pay retailers for food and other necessities.
State government agencies have implemented and used EBT systems since 2004 to automate and monitor benefits disbursement for programs such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and later the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), and Temporary Aid for Needy Families (TANF), among other social services.
Because every state has, or is currently implementing electronic EBT to process social services payments, many government agencies are currently examining what they need now to help improve service delivery in the next decade. As it stands, social services agency leaders understand they must continually update EBT processes to take better advantage of tools and techniques that will:
- Enhance each state’s ability to automate and closely monitor EBT services;
- Reduce risks associated with fraud, waste or other abuse;
- Enable easier access to much needed social service for all eligible individuals and families in your state; and
- Keep pace with evolving societal demands.
With multiple state government EBT renewal procurements expected in the next two years, it makes sense to optimize the quality of responses agencies can expect to receive from their upcoming RFPs.
Choosing a trusted partner with the knowledge and tools to help improve service delivery performance and automation is important to helping health and human services agencies increase the sophistication of the tools used to discover, analyze, design, measure, monitor, and reassess performance.
Our latest eBook, Focusing on the Future of EBT, was created to help illuminate for state agency leaders how best to leverage industry-leading strategic and technological advances for their upcoming EBT procurements. Click here to request your copy.