Speeding Into the Future at ERICSA
This April is a fast-moving month for the child support community! The Eastern Regional Interstate Child Support Association (ERICSA) annual conference is coming up fast. This year’s theme works beautifully for a Daytona Beach, Florida setting: “Speeding Toward a Bright Future for Children.” The conference is filled with learning opportunities, great workshops, and networking opportunities for child support professionals, exhibitors, and sponsors. We’re accelerating quickly toward the event’s start on Sunday, April 15 – and those five days will certainly fly.
Hundreds of child support professionals from the Eastern U.S. will converge in Daytona Beach to help move child support programs forward. And that’s not the only good they’ll do during the gathering. Each year ERICSA provides the opportunity to support a charity that benefits families and children in the conference area. This year proceeds from a silent auction will benefit Food Brings Hope, a Volusia County organization with initiatives designed to nurture the bodies, minds, and spirits of the children it serves.
Learning opportunities abound! There are four plenary sessions and 45 great workshops on the schedule, each a valuable source of knowledge exchange for attendees. Conduent staff from the Child Support Services group will be sharing their expertise during the sessions listed below:
“Surviving the Child Support Side of Disaster”
Tuesday, April 17, 3:30 p.m.
Robbie Endris, Moderator
“Emotional Intelligence”
Tuesday, April 17, 3:30 p.m.
Zach Steed, Moderator
“Fueling Up to Lead Effectively”
Wednesday, April 18, 8:30 a.m.
Kim Newsom Bridges, Speaker
“Behavioral Analytics: Everyone Needs a Little Nudge”
Wednesday, April 18, 10:30 a.m.
Kim Newsom Bridges, Speaker
“Branding Your Program from the Inside Out”
Wednesday, April 18, 10:30 a.m.
Robbie Endris, Speaker
While deciding where to spend your time, attending sessions and plenaries, and otherwise enjoying the conference, be sure to use the ERICSA mobile app, which Conduent is sponsoring this year as part of our support for this valuable annual event.
And don’t forget to visit us at Booth #8 to talk about our comprehensive portfolio of solutions, all built on the industry’s most extensive base of individual and team experience in child support. We look forward to seeing you in Daytona Beach!