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For state Medicaid professionals, the path to high-quality care and patient outcomes is getting simpler

How to drive better outcomes through modular solutions

Eight years after the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) provided guidance (pdf) on using modules to advance processes and patient care through system integration and modularity, many agencies and leaders in our industry struggle to move beyond legacy systems and adopt new technology and processes in an effective and cost-efficient way. In doing so, they miss the opportunity to provide added value, improve patient care and fulfill other organizational needs.  

The power of Medicaid modules cannot be overstated. They break down complex systems into discrete, scalable and reusable components, and automate manual processes. Modularity is driving dramatic changes for states as they help manage data, promote reusability of components and help meet CMS regulations and standards.  

A modular framework allows states to achieve a best-of-breed composite solution with greater flexibility and options for further acquisition and implementation. 

Under this framework, instead of building extremely large and complex systems, states can seek targeted service improvements and advanced capabilities. Focusing on discrete enhancements closely aligns budgets to program priorities while reducing deployment costs and risks. This incremental approach is particularly beneficial for adopting new services and complying with evolving regulations and requirements without overhauling or replacing entire systems. 

Modularity is not limited to technology deployments. At the procurement level, it offers a more incremental and continuous approach to capability advancement and innovation that can be equally applied to business processes 

Integration complexity  

Some states may struggle to adopt modularity due to several challenges. First, transitioning from traditional MMIS systems to modular architectures requires significant changes in technology and operational processes. For example, integration platforms and system monitoring become integral to IT stability. This shift can be daunting for states with limited IT resources or expertise, as it involves complex integration of various modular components from different vendors. 

Similarly, budget constraints often hinder adoption. While modular systems promise long-term cost savings through improved efficiency and scalability, the initial investment in transitioning from legacy systems can be substantial. States may face difficulty securing sufficient funding upfront to support the implementation and integration of modular solutions, delaying their adoption efforts. These challenges underscore the need for careful planning, adequate resources and strategic partnerships to successfully navigate the transition to modular Medicaid systems. 

The path to Medicaid modularity 

Based on our years of experience helping clients adopt modular integration, Conduent experts have identified a clear path to overcoming the three common key challenges that Medicaid administrators face: 

  1. Simplify integration complexity: To address the challenge of integrating multiple modular components from different vendors, Conduent recommends adopting a robust framework for interoperability. By leveraging industry-standard interoperability solutions and thorough testing protocols, we ensure that all modules work seamlessly together. This standards-based approach reduces resource intensity and technical demands of integration, making processes more manageable and efficient.  

  1. Ensure regulatory and compliance adherence: Navigating the evolving landscape of regulations and ensuring compliance with CMS standards can be daunting. Conduent provides comprehensive support to administrators by implementing compliance monitoring systems that verify each of our modules meets regulatory standards independently and as part of the overall system. Our experts stay up to date with regulatory changes, helping agencies maintain compliance without the administrative burden. 

  1. Effective change management and workforce training: Transitioning to a modular system requires careful management of changes in processes and workflows. Conduent offers tailored organizational change management strategies that include engaging stakeholders early, providing comprehensive training programs, and offering continuous support to staff. Our approach ensures that administrators and their teams are comfortable and proficient with new technologies, reducing resistance to change and smoothing the transition. 

When helping our clients adopt modularity, we deploy our Medicaid Suite (CMdS), a production-ready application portfolio designed to help states transition from legacy MMIS to a digital, interoperable and scalable MES platform. CMdS is a federally compliant, cloud-native modular system that enhances program optimization while adhering to stringent security standards. 

Our micro services-based architecture allows us to customize business functionality within a module to meet the specific needs of each state. For instance, if a state wants Third Party Liability (TPL) capabilities integrated with claims processing, we can easily accommodate that preference. 

Our solutions are highly interoperable, supporting both standards-based data exchange and state-specific formats. We excel in integrating with a variety of solutions, whether they are developed by Conduent or other vendors. 

With a broad national perspective informed by our extensive footprint and diverse portfolio of solutions, we offer consultative-led services to help clients and prospects understand which approaches are most effective and which might present challenges. 

Our deep operational knowledge ensures that we understand the requirements of each module and their impact on users, providers and members. We maintain productive relationships with other module vendors and collaborate to ensure the success of each project. 

With the right planning and partnerships, agencies can overcome challenges, adopt modularity, and achieve capability enhancements targeted to program priorities. 

Ready to discover how Conduent’s Medicaid Suite can help move your organization forward? Visit us online, or contact an expert now.  



About the Author

Douglas Stewart, a Senior Solutions Architect for Conduent Government Health Services, brings 27 years of experience in information technology solutions. His expertise spans various domains, with 22+ years dedicated to supporting Government Health Services. Douglas keeps a pulse on evolving Medicaid enterprise trends across the country, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the landscape. He actively designs innovative solutions that empower States to achieve better outcomes. Through his work, he contributes significantly to the efficient delivery of healthcare services.
