Celebrating Parents, Serving Families
With Mother’s Day in May and Father’s Day in June, this is the time of year that we celebrate parents! Why is this important? There is little doubt that loving, supportive parents who give children opportunities to grow and learn make a difference in the lives of those children. Ask anyone about their childhood and the conversation will immediately go to parents and experiences, good or bad, in those formative years. Parents are very important people and their influence has a lifelong impact.
Conduent’s Child Support Services group understands the value of parent-child relationships and offers supportive services to benefit families served through the Title IV-D Child Support Program. The program is a federal/state/local partnership that promotes and assists with the establishment of paternity, child support, and medical support in addition to services related to collections and enforcement of orders. Other services vary by region, but access and visitation, fatherhood, employment, and parenting programs are available.
Conduent helps state programs take advantage of the latest technology and the best digital innovations to serve families. Our Child Support Services group is proud to offer dynamic child support automated systems which help states expedite service and offer better data reporting. We have newer ways to improve direct customer services and to add channels of communication that make contacts with parents easier and more convenient. We offer accurate, secure, and speedy ways to pay and receive child support.
The smooth delivery of these important services makes handling child support matters easier and less stressful for parents—whatever their family situation may be. And that makes Conduent a valued partner in serving families. Parents are important and children are worth it!
We hope Mother’s Day was a happy one, and we look forward to more celebrations on Father’s Day! Take a moment to celebrate parents, who do so much all year long.