Keeping Support Flowing for Families at ERICSA 2019
Against the backdrop of the spectacular Niagara Falls, the Eastern Regional Interstate Child Support Association (ERICSA) recently wrapped up its 2019 meeting based on the theme “Keeping Support Flowing for Families.” Child support practitioners from states east of the Mississippi River came together for a few days in May to learn, teach, and share successes with the common goal of supporting children and families.
This organization doesn't just talk about helping--they put it into practice. During the four-day conference, ERICSA raised $9,000 to help the local Niagara Falls Boys and Girls Club! The presentation of the check on the final day was a conference highlight.
Our Conduent team was on hand to sponsor, exhibit, and speak. Here are some of the learning highlights of our trip to Niagara Falls:
- Conduent team member Kim Bridges moderated a session entitled “Modern Child Support Messaging.” The panel reviewed new marketing methods to improve brand perception and to engage parents by using social media and other digital techniques. Speakers from New York City, Wisconsin, Virginia, and California spoke to the need for a changing national perspective on how to communicate with parents and help them navigate child support waters.
- “Dreaming of a New and Improved Child Support System” resonated with many attendees who work daily on old and antiquated systems. The session provided basic information on planning for a new system. Conduent systems expert Hal Carl and other systems experts spoke. Conduent team member Robbie Endris moderated the session.
- ERICSA made its first voyage into a new world with the Leadership Book Club. The Power of Positive Leadership by Jon Gordon was reviewed and discussed by an enthusiastic group of leaders and readers. Other books were mentioned and the group learned that the book club concept is being using in states, counties, and tribes as a way to stimulate staff learning.
Networking is important and ERICSA used a Block Party on the closing night to get everyone together for fun and food. Officers got all wet in the dunking booth for charity, but that was all part of the fun.
Conduent's own Zach Steed and Robbie Endris serve on the Board of Directors of this great organization, which is already planning for next year’s conference in Savannah, Georgia. We're already looking forward to next year.