Join us for NASCIO’s 2020 virtual annual conference
Let's connect for #NASCIO20, October 12 to 15
Every year we look forward to the opportunity to meet and connect with our colleagues at the National Association of Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) annual conference. And this year will be no exception even though the #NASCIO20 event will be entirely virtual.
NASCIO is a national leader and advocate for information technology (IT) policy, promoting the strategic alignment of government technology investments with state business agendas. NASICO’s Annual Conference sets the tone every year in terms of policy development, public service, promoting best practices and innovations to support, enable, and modernize the business of government.
With constantly evolving digital technologies and the impact of COVID-19, which has accelerated the switch to remote work across public and private sector organizations, this year’s annual conference will highlight important session themes such as, “CIO Priorities & IT Modernization,” “Cybersecurity & Privacy,” and “Innovation & the Future of Technology,” which will start the conversation that will carry on through 2021.
As a government technology and services industry leader, Conduent is pleased to sponsor the #NASCIO20 event. From solutions to connect people in real-time across federal, state and local agencies, to conversational AI and cognitive intelligence for a more personalized experience, we know technology offers the best opportunity to help agencies as they work to improve quality of life their communities.
Organizations have transformed at an unprecedented rate with an ‘altered’ course of growth due to the global health crisis and economic challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. And like everything else, the way government uses and depends on technology has changed as well. Ultimately, the pandemic has not slowed innovation — instead it’s accelerating modernization. The situation has revealed the importance of technology to ensuring that government services remain available and accessible whenever people need them. Now more than ever, it’s critical to exploit the advantages of enterprise platforms, software-as-a-service, and other cloud technologies, to streamline operations, improve processes, connect remote teams — whatever it takes to better serve constituents, internal stakeholders, partners and suppliers.
Sponsoring and attending #NASCIO20 is one of the many ways Conduent is working to support federal, state and local government agencies to move their operations forward.
To learn more about our latest innovations, I encourage you to join us at this upcoming virtual event and look for further updates in future blogposts. Be sure to check out our featured content here and reach out to for more information.
Hope to see you there!