Modernizing Child Support With Second Generation Systems
It’s an exciting time to be in the child support system business. Conduent delivered several of the 1st generation child support systems in the 1990s, then helped get them certified in the early 2000s. In 2010, we started working on 2nd generation systems, starting with Delaware. Now, we’re working with South Carolina. With six new state child support systems currently in development, it looks like the program may be close to moving past obstacles like the Great Recession and the focus on the Affordable Care Act that consumed agency funding and attention. It’s also interesting that the 2nd generation systems haven’t focused on just one approach to a refresh. They’re using custom development, system transfer, system transfer components from several states, and re-platforming to achieve their new system.
In RFPs that have been released for 2nd generation systems, we’ve seen requirements for modern technology, higher levels of automation, and expanded self-service. All of these are things that programs will need for systems that may be in operation for 20 or more years. Lately, Conduent has been working with clients to identify technologies they can put into new systems to support their child support programs as they continue to change. Many of these technologies are maturing and their full value hasn’t been realized yet, but we believe they’ll be key for the future of the program. Key technologies we’ve been discussing include:
- Case Predictive Analytics – inform caseworkers to take the best action at the right time on a case
- Lifecycle Early Intervention – identify and take proactive steps on cases throughout the entire case lifecycle
- Automated Service Referral and Tracking – help clients identify and receive services from other agencies to enable financial self-sufficiency
- Expanded Client Self-service – provide clients with access to as many services as they can consume on their own
- Electronic Transaction Processing – technology that supports a paperless and no worker intervention process for completion of services
As states get ready to undertake the implementation of a new 2nd generation system, they have many choices to make about what they ask for in their new system. It can be an exhausting process to get to the release of an RFP, and even more exhausting to implement the new system. Asking for the key technologies now will have a tremendous impact on the program for the foreseeable future.