Child support agencies and partners prioritize “family-centered” solutions and services
Child support agencies refocus on engagement at NCSEA 2023
A new leadership theme, “Leading with Heart,” opened doors for change at the 2023 Leadership Symposium of the National Child Support Enforcement Association (NCSEA), which was held in August coinciding with Child Support Awareness Month. This emphasis took center stage when NCSEA President Jim Fleming announced the association’s name change to the National Child Support Engagement Association.
The move from “Enforcement” to “Engagement” marks a new priority for the association. The need to establish paternity and child support orders continues, but the name change recognizes a family-centered service delivery focus aimed at providing appropriate and beneficial services to families.
Name changes to reflect this focus are becoming more common; in June 2023, for example, the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) was rebranded as the Office of Child Support Services (OCSS).
Conduent leader recognized
NCSEA President Jim Fleming recognized Conduent’s Robbie Endris for her achievements and commitment to service and helping families and children in need. Endris was presented with an Honorary Lifetime Membership from NCSEA, celebrating her nearly 50-year career that began managing the Shreveport Regional Child Support Office and growing to become the head of Louisiana’s child support division before landing at Conduent in 2013.
Conduent is proud to be an NCSEA Platinum Corporate Sponsor. Our team of child support subject matter experts take advantage of opportunities to learn, network, and communicate with child support program leaders at the Leadership Symposium. We value opportunities to learn about the needs and plans of states and counties so that we can impact the future of child support with new and better technology and the latest in business services.
Other highlights at NCSEA included sessions and workshops attended by more than 800 in-person attendees and a subset of virtual attendees. The opening session, “Incredileader,” featured Erin Passons, a motivational speaker who set the pace for the conference on developing leadership skills. Other sessions followed with interesting Disney-like titles, but the workshops leaned into empathy, engagement, ethics, human-centered design and looking to the future.
A significant session about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) was moderated by Endris, who serves as a Senior Consultant for Conduent. Her session, titled “It’s a Small World After All: Taking DEI Concepts and Moving into Action in the Real World,” featured Fentress Truxon of Arizona and Terri Ricks of Louisiana, leaders who have developed and are taking action on DEI principles. Dr. Ramon Pastrano, a national consultant for government and private agencies, concluded the session by outlining the principles of developing a program for your organization.
All the while, we keep in mind that many families are touched by this program. We strive to give them our best efforts by staying informed and relevant to current needs.
In all, attendees took home valuable information and new ideas.
Let’s help families together. Conduent’s innovation is ready to help your mission. Learn more and connect with an expert now by visiting us online.